
Posts Tagged ‘handmade’

Dreaming of couture

What am I thinking??!? Remember back on October 2 I posted about purchasing a pattern? Well, a week later I bought the fabric, and today – I’ve got the nerve to start. I think. After all, here I sit at the computer and I have yet to cut the fabric.

I’ve watched Shirley MacClaine in a Coco Chanel movie. Also recently watched the documentary about Bill Cunningham and twice watched The September Issue. Am I ready?

I don’t know why I am so nervous. True, I could mess up the fabric and blow all the money I’ve spent, but I purchased an EASY pattern, and it’s not like I’ve never sewn before! Somehow, maybe I can call on my mom (who is now enjoying Heaven) to guide my hands? As I was pinning the pattern in place, I could see my mother doing the same thing, on many many occasions, laying out her fabric and pattern on the dining room table as she began a new creation for herself or maybe a skirt for me. She’d have those straight pins tightly clenched between her teeth as she placed each one in the right spot. She was quite the master seamstress! Seriously.

Maybe that’s why I’m nervous. She was so innovative when it came to her fabrics, and even though she mostly followed patterns – not always. She was a real artist! I’m afraid I won’t be as good as she was. Well, I probably won’t be, but she’ll still be pleased that I tried. All I need to do is do the best I can do, right?

AND !! I have a cousin-in-law that is also a master with the stitch. She’s very creative and much more of a natural in this arena. Hmmm…… maybe I need to contact Carol for some much need nudging …..

Well, here’s the picture before I start cutting. Wish me luck!

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