
Posts Tagged ‘mornings’

Annapolis morning walk

I really need to walk every day, but sigh …. I do not. Keeping the camera in hand really encourages me, though. I will definitely need to do that more often!

Right now it is the architecture of nature that pulls me. Here is some of what I saw on one of my recent morning walks around the dock in downtown Annapolis:






One thing I try hard to do when taking pictures that include people is to be sure they are not very recognizable. Here at the docks I found a morning yoga class, something I have yet to add to my routine. What a glorious space to share our energy on a morning in Annapolis!

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Early morning delights

My green balcony has started to fade. I’m not sure if it is because there is less sun than ever due to the beautiful tree that has filled out in front, of if they have become root-bound in their pots (even though I followed directions on sizes for each), too much heat, too much water, or not enough water. However, I’m not giving them up, yet!

The other morning, really early before the sun came up, I took pictures of two lovely blossoms on the gourd plant:

About a week ago I was at my home in Virginia visiting with hubby and family and friends. The mornings there in the country are just beautiful, and I love to sit on the porch with the dog and my first (and second!) cup of coffee. The hubby planted two mimosa trees a few years ago, both growing at different speeds (one gets a little more sunlight). I enjoy the multitude of butterflies on one and hummingbirds on the others. Go figure. It’s like each species has chosen one for their own!


And then the morning I walked to Nimitz Library and took my camera. This picture I took from my office window before getting started on my work for the day.

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Today my cat King Kimba woke me earlier than I had planned. Oh well! Got up anyway and enjoyed a cool morning on my balcony with the plants and my cup of coffee.

Stopped by Starbucks for a second cup to take to work with me and decided to take two pictures at the dock while just the slightest bit of rain fell. You know, the kind that makes you smile because it feels so good to the skin.

A few girl ducks making their way away from two handsome boys. 🙂

Kunta Kinte
Memorial sculpture of Kunta Kinte reading a book to three children of different ethnic heritages.

I knew my day was off to a good start!

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